Air Force® Master Blaster® Revolution™

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Regular price $583.43

The Car Dryer power you've counted on for nearly 15 years has evolved!

  • The Revolution™ maintains the unparalleled performance of the Air Force® Blaster Family.
  • With the mobility of the front end swivel wheels, you can now move around your vehicle effortlessly.
  • Dry the entire car in minutes without leaving micro scratches or water spots.
  • Save space in your garage with the convenient Wall Mount Bracket and Hose hanger.
  • The Revolution™ uses warm, dry filtered air to safely blast water off expensive finishes and out of hard to reach places where no towel or chamois could ever reach.
  • Perfect for getting water out of side-view mirrors, door jams, body seams, grills, lights, etc.
  • The Master Blaster® Revolution™ features two twin fan, 4.0 Peak Horse Power Motors capable of delivering up to 58,000 feet per minute of clean, warm, dry, filtered air.
  • Each motor is controlled by a separate switch that allows you to select from three different air flow and temperature levels up to 60° above ambient.
  • The Master Blaster® Revolution™ is Deliberately Made Better in the USA®!